Unchained K9

Unchained K9

Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Type: Residential
Years in business: 6
Category: Dog Fences

About this Pro

Residents of North Sewickley Township, Jim & Geri Lynn Cummings have three children and a beloved Akita, Hugo (who is the inspiration for our logo). Jim is a structural designer, Geri Lynn is a high school math teacher and varsity softball coach in Beaver County. We’ve had our dogfence for over 15 years. It has made such a difference in our lives. This is why we took a leap of faith becoming small business owners and purchasing the business from the previous owners who were retiring. Our kids love tagging along and meeting our furry customers. This business permits us to spend time with our kids, teach them work ethic, as well as, meet wonderful people in our surrounding communities.
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