Picture of a luxury dining room

About Lux10

Lux10 is connecting Pittsburgh in a way like never before!
The search is over! Find a Real Estate Professional and Contractors for all your home projects, ALL ON ONE SITE! 

For Homeowners, 
create your FREE account:

  1. Find everything you need when buying, selling or improving your home.
  2. Save time by finding quality and professional contacts for your home projects on one site.
  3. Organize digitally so you never forget which contractor helped you with your project or the real estate professional that sold you your home.
  4. Share profiles with family, friends and neighbors with a click of a button.
How to use the site for the best experience:
  • Click the SIGN UP button on the homepage to create your account.
  • Search for Pros (Contractors) and Real Estate Agents in your area and save profiles by clicking on the Lantern.   ( you must be logged in your account to be able to save profiles.)
  • Explore the saved profiles on each members pages to connect with their trusted professionals.
  • Share profiles with family, friends and neighbors by clicking the arrow on the profile to email or text by using the arrow button on iPhone.
For Agents and Pro's:
  1. Endless connections with your ideal customers filling your inbox. 
  2. Quality referrals to share with your sphere, improved communication, streamlined process and professionalism at its core.
  3. This is a better way to authentic connections and leads with an annual membership.  

Home, where everyone loves to be. Give yourself the best experience when creating yours!

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We believe everybody should have an opportunity to effectively market their business in their local community and do so in a professional cost effective way. Being able to support local businesses and create choices in a transparent way improves the customer experience. The homeowner can now choose who they feel is a good fit based on the agent or pro profile and not who is paying the most to advertise on the site.

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Our goal for Lux10 was to create a networking platform for homeowners, agents, and pros all on one site. Members will have a dynamic profile that homeowners will be able to make a personal connection with, see their work, and choose who they feel will be a good fit for them. Finding the right person doesn’t have to be difficult and we have made it easy!

Lux10 house logo mark

All on one site

We understand how important it is to streamline the process when finding an Agent and Pro. Lux10 has eliminated the need to search multiple websites by having all of the contacts and dynamic profiles on one site. Our goal is to make your life easy and allow every member an opportunity to receive and build your business while providing an excellent customer experience. At Lux10, You can choose Your Agent and Pro to assist you and make it easy.

The search is over... Lux10.com all in one place!

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Lux10 Lantern

The Lux10 lantern is an easy way to save your “favorite” agents or pros. You can share your favorites with family, friends and neighbors with a click of a button. 

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10 Star Experience

Everyone deserves the best experience when searching, selling, and improving their home. Our 10 Star Lantern Reviews allow homeowners to rate their experience with the agent or pro. Great customer service is our passion and creating a positive experience and an easy to use platform is our priority.

Are you an Agent or Pro?

For an affordable annual fee you can make an investment in you and your business. Your dynamic professional profile gives you the opportunity to reach more clients looking for your services. Start networking with other agents and pros in your area. We all love to work together.



Are you a homeowner looking for an agent or pro? Feel free to browse. If you would like to save or share your favorites, please create your free account today. We hope you enjoy the process!

Sign Up Today