Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh

Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh

Leslie McKinney
Leslie McKinney
Type: Residential
Years in business: 5
Category: Estate Sales

About this Pro

Leslie McKinney is owner and CEO of Caring Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh. She has extensive experience in teaching, counseling, sales and business that she now applies to helping people navigate one of the more stressful life events. Since 2015, we have been helping clients, families, and trusted business partners (such as Lawyers Realtors and Senior Living Communities staff, etc) throughout the entire process of Senior Downsizing, Relocation and Liquidation. Our "One Stop" services simplifies the multi-level process to efficiently achieve results. We pride ourselves on the high level of professionalism demonstrating compassion and respect for our clients and their personal items. Managing accumulated personal items and household goods is an overwhelming task. Caring Transitions of North Pittsburgh is the local expert in the fields and we would love an opportunity to assist you. Free consultations are available.
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