Can you believe we are six months into the year?

What a great time to evaluate how the year is going and what type of improvements we want to make. We put together your go to Mid -Year Tracker that you can print out and easily carry with you wherever you go to help achieve more in your business and personal life. This simple checklist makes you more aware of daily tasks, so they become part of your routine.

Download your Mid-Year Tracker HERE

Below are some details you might want to consider:

1. Journaling/Vision: One consistent message in top selling books is making sure that you are writing down in a journal what you are grateful for and what your vision is. By writing 3 things down that you are grateful for you remind yourself what is important, and you appreciate what you already have. Keeping a clear vision of what goal, you want to achieve and what you are working towards also keeps you on track to do tasks that align with those goals.


2. Hydration: This is a habit that is easy to start right away. We are so busy and sometimes we forget to focus on this. There are so many bottles available now that can make it easy to track how much water you are drinking. Find out what your target amount is and try consistently to hit that number.

3. Exercise: Alot of experts say that if you can wake up and get moving first thing in the morning it will improve your mood, production, and help you be more consistent. The most important thing is to find something that you enjoy so you will stay with it. Make small goals then increase them over time.

4. Learning: Learning new things has never been easier than it is right now. Whether it is a new hobby or learning something that will help your business. If you haven't already looked at our list of book recommendations check out our blog. Doing something for even 20 minutes a day can help you develop a new skill.

5. Top 5 Daily Tasks: Pick the top 5 Task that you want or need to accomplish for the day. You can concentrate on the same task every day so that it becomes a part of your daily routine. Sometimes that Top 5 could mean doing the hardest things you need to do and if you take care of them early in the day you can move forward with a clear head the rest of the day.


6. Prioritize Work: Identify the key tasks or projects that you want to accomplish. Organize in order of importance or deadlines. This could be in your work life or personal. Having a road map for the day, week, month, and year will make you not feel so overwhelming.


7. Relationships: The people we surround ourselves with become who we are. If you truly invest in your team of employees, your customers, and most importantly family and friends, you will feel like you are living a full life. Make sure you connect with those people daily that bring joy and add value to your life. Sometimes it might take effort because the day is so busy, but if we make sure to include that in everyday it will bring more joy.


8. Daily Planning: Reviewing your weekly schedule on Sunday will prepare you for what you have for the week and what planning you need to do. Everyday go through your action items and see what you did that was productive, moved the needle in your business, built a relationship, or got you closer to your goal. Make sure that your daily tasks are effective and not just fillers because that is what you have always done. Try to batch plan tasks so you can work more efficiently and make the biggest impact.

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