Realtors, do you know the best way to show your value?

The commission has not been eliminated or changed other than how we communicate it in a transaction. Yes, the commission has always been negotiable. However, a realtor's value in the transaction stays the same. We do the same amount of work bringing buyers and sellers together. Professional representation always makes for a smoother transaction and minimizes the risk of unresolved issues that can lead to deals falling apart or issues post-closing. Don't discount your worth. Explain your rule and why paying the buyer's agent is also so important. Without a buyer and a buyer's agent professionally guiding them through the transaction, there is no sale. 

Buyer's do not even know where to begin. For us as agents, it is second nature for us to go through the process of guiding a client through the biggest investment of their lives. Ask your buyers these questions:

1.) Do they know what the process is for purchasing a home? 
2.) Do they understand all of the steps they need to take to go from touring the home, making an offer, negotiating the deal, following the contract guidelines, lifting all the contingencies and getting to the closing table? 
3.) Do they understand the contract? 
4.) Who is writing an offer for them? 
5.) Who is negotiating on their behalf for both price and inspections? 
6.) Where are they getting all of their resources from inspections, contractors, closing company? 
7.) Are they paying the right price for the home? 
8.) How are they finding out all of the details mentioned above in the strategy to winning the bid? 
9.) Where are they getting the proper forms from? 
10.) How are they protecting themselves in the transaction?
And the list goes on!
There are so many benefits to hiring an agent. If the buyers understand even these 10 reasons why it is so incredibly valuable for them to hire an agent to professionally represent them, they won't even consider any other option.

 As Agents, we do so much to bring a deal together. Articulating our value is extremely important so that we earn our much-deserved full commission. 
You can grow your business now with more deeper roots. Customers will respect your time, knowledge, experience, resources and professional processes that you have in place. No more dropping everything and running to show a home to someone that is not committed to a professional relationship. We believe our best days are yet to come. Let's be determined to provide endless value and receive quality compensation for the hard work we put in. 
We at Lux10, are so excited about all the things we have going on—and coming up. We hope you'll be the biggest part of it!